Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The Color of Heroes

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Historic Markers are There to be Found, If you're Looking

2003 Environmental Excellence Awards Image

Traveling around the country you might have seen markers in places that have some  historic significance. My own great grandfather, Luke Grady, was elected to the North Carolina State Assembly in 1885. The picture above shows the marker placed in his hometown. These markers are  significant, particularly in the south, where our accomplishments do not get the same attention as those of  whites.

You can find historic makers honoring a wide cross section  
of African

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Friday, June 22, 2018

CLANDESTINE – The Times & Secret Life of Mariah Otey Reddick

CLANDESTINE – The Times & Secret Life of Mariah Otey Reddick

Mariah's Story Needs To Be Told...and We Need Your Help
Most American-born Black & Brown people have African Roots, whether they want to accept it or not. Some of us are extremely proud of our ancestors and strive to make certain that their accomplishments, as well as their suffering are honored. 
Mariah Otey Reddick is one of our "forgotten or hidden" heroes.  It is her story that her descendants want to highlight and preserve. Her story is OUR story. We should all aspire to do this within our own families, but also within our larger community. 
Here is a brief account of her story:

CLANDESTINE: THE TIMES AND SECRET LIFE OF MARIAH OTEY REDDICK is a riveting story of resistance & espionage, freedom & terror, family & dignity, blackmail & death, grief & joy, faith & love, vengeance & justice, treachery & unexpected allies, depravity & innocence as well as spirituality and devotion.
What would you do if - after years of research - you discovered that your enslaved Ancestor was a human wedding gift? Could YOU forget about it? PLEASE HELP GET THE WORD OUT!

On May 01, 2018, Ms. Reddick's descendants began a crowdfunding campaign to help defray the costs of publishing a book inspired by her life story - Clandestine: The Times and Secret Life of Mariah Otey Reddick.

The campaign ends on May 31, 2018. Please help out. NO gift is too small.

To learn more and perhaps contribute, please go to:

Thank you.