Friday, July 25, 2014

Stagville Plantation: A Crime Scene and A Mass Gravesite

If you've ever had the interest. The nerve. The bravery. Or, the respect for your deceased ancestors. Then, maybe you've visited them. If so, good for you. Their bones lie all over America. I hope you remembered to say a prayer. 

As a tour guide, I've taken many trips to Stagville Plantation. Its' located just north of Durham, NC. Stagville is now a state owned historic site. There are many such places, mostly in the South. 

Africans, were not "slaves" in Africa. They became enslaved after being brought to America. Their bodies are buried with no headstones. No markers. Nothing indicating who they were. If you are a person of color, it is possible that your ancestors are buried in such a place?

Each time I went to Stagville, I said a prayer for the dead. They deserve that much . Some of us "modern day" blacks want to act as though they never existed.